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Alcohol and Aging: Does Drinking Make You Look Older?

alcohol makes you look older

Every alcoholic drink goes “straight to your head,” or at least to your brain. Heavy drinking over a long time can shrink brain cells and Alcoholics Anonymous lead to alcohol-related brain damage (ARBD) and certain types of dementia. Symptoms of that include lack of judgment, organization, or emotional control, trouble staying focused, and anger issues. A 2017 study published in JAMA Psychiatry found the number of adults in the United States who regularly consumed alcohol went from 65 percent in 2002 to 73 percent in 2013.


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alcohol makes you look older

Vitamins help to reverse the Ageing Process

Joy Manning, a Philadelphia-based freelance writer and creator of the Instagram account Better Without Booze, can also attest to the life-changing effects of sobriety. She said she just celebrated her 600th day of not drinking. Miami real estate agent Alina Freyre said she and her husband, Andy Freyre, stopped drinking two years ago. Not only did they lose weight — 50 pounds for her and 80 pounds for him — but she said it was the “best thing that has ever happened” to them.


There’s no better time than now to take steps to stop drinking. Researchers have found that excessive alcohol consumption can affect the skin. The noticeable differences in skin complexions are often early signs of alcohol abuse. Alcohol can affect the way your body fights off life-threatening illnesses like tuberculosis or pneumonia.

alcohol makes you look older

Alcohol Can Make You Feel Older, Too

One study found that women who consumed eight or more drinks a week perceived themselves as looking older than those who didn’t drink (8). Alcoholic drinks are high in calories and have no nutritional benefit to your body. Weight loss is one of many reasons to consume alcohol more mindfully or stop altogether.

Drinking contributes to a host of age-related conditions.

alcohol makes you look older

Melody is here to help as you adjust to a life with less (or no) alcohol. You’ll meet millions of fellow Reframers in our 24/7 Forum chat and daily Zoom check-in meetings. Receive encouragement from people worldwide who know exactly what you’re going through!

alcohol makes you look older

As you age, the body’s mechanisms that protect you from free radicals diminish. Therefore, you’re at a greater risk of developing a wide range of health problems, including the neurodegenerative conditions that affect your cognition and alcohol makes you look older memory. Broken capillaries, the tiny blood vessels near the surface of the skin, tend to crop up as you get older.

Skin Changes from Liver Disease

While you may not be able to reverse some of the damage that excessive alcohol use has already been done, there are certain things you can do in order to make sure the issues don’t get worse. For example, you can exercise and adhere to a well-balanced diet. You might not be able to fully reverse some of the effects of alcohol-related aging naturally.

alcohol makes you look older

Alcohol and aging are also synonymous due to the negative effects alcohol has on the body. Recent research indicates that excessive alcohol consumption can indeed speed up the aging process at a biological level. There are many ways alcohol can put an extra strain on your body. Alcohol causes your body to release more stress hormones, which speeds up the aging process. It also affects the healthy functioning of your digestive system, making it harder for you to absorb essential nutrients. This includes vitamins A, B, D, and E; minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc; and even basics like proteins and carbohydrates.

If heavy drinking is a regular thing, you could face some potentially irreversible skin damage. Typically your tolerance level to alcohol will go up the more you drink. There is a point though at which a person’s alcohol tolerance will actually begin to go down. This can be the direct result of changes to the composition of the body https://ecosoberhouse.com/ and hormonal changes.

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